© by Büro für Technische Diagnostik GmbH & Co. KG, Tel.: +49 3381
804080, Fax: +49 3381 8040810, Mail: info(at)diatek.de
assembly service
Our performances focus on the development of
innovations for you that draw on our sound
knowledge of design. Individual solutions are often
needed to meet local demands and requirements
that are unique to particular companies – solutions
that we are able to develop specifically for the
purpose at hand.
To this end, we first analyse and define what you
need exactly and then, on the basis of the resulting
defined objectives, we organise product
development to take account of all components.
Experienced engineers develop, analyse and carry
out tests using professional software on modern
CAD workstations. This is where your product is
created – from the idea to the ready-to-manufacture
component. The parts we design and develop for
testing and measuring systems are manufactured
by competent suppliers working with state-of-the-
art CNC technologies.
When they are finished, the parts are assembled
and tested in our production halls. Our team will
then install the testing systems on your premises.
Our company stands out particularly for its
reliability and rapid handling of jobs as well as for its
creativity and the wealth of ideas it generates – all
founded on a great level of commitment, goal-
oriented perseverance and, above all,
craftsmanship. For our customers, this means: One-
stop development, delivery, assembly and service.
We supply and provide our services across
Germany. But we are also on hand for our
customers in the USA, Russia, China and Israel, for